Since the benefits of exotic foods and beverages such as wine and dark chocolate are to unfold, many people flock to these foods. Non-drinkers are tempted to drink and non-chocolate lovers begins for the best brands, the drive all in an attempt to improve their health. Not only that, but chocoholics and alcoholics seem to legitimize their indulgences. That when the facts need to be straightened.
Chocolate contains more than 400 different compounds. Chocolate especially> Dark variety was developed by the researchers that phenolic compounds as plant secondary metabolites. These phenolic compounds are also found in other fruits and vegetables, wine and tea, etc., are plant secondary metabolites is also known for its special benefits, including health antioxidant activity, prevents oxidation of bad cholesterol, anti-cancer effect and reduces blood pressure and inhibition of platelet activity and inflammation.
They also stimulate the immune system. Other Benefits of chocolate include lifting the mood and stress relieving effects. Chocolate is believed to increase serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain. These are largely based on substances that ethyl-amine. The smooth "melt in your mouth" consistency, together with caffeine may also help to lift mood.
No wonder that women are known to be used as an upgrade to their pre-menstrual stress! Chocolate contain significant amounts of caffeine and a 100-gram bar of dark> Chocolate contains more caffeine than a cup of instant coffee. Chocolate also provides some iron and magnesium. Magnesium is good for the bones and helps control cravings. The cocoa tree's scientific name of the drinking chocolate. While all the cocoa powder, dark chocolate, white chocolate and cocoa come from the cacao tree, the difference in their composition and processing, gives them their unique properties.
The cocoaBeans can be cracked if used as pens. These are available in powder form and the generated heat melts the fat. The suspension is as cocoa mass. For the production of cocoa powder is pushed out the fat and the remaining solids are dried to a powder as cocoa. Cocoa powder does not contain much fat and give the same benefits as dark chocolate.
Cocoa mass can be solidified with cocoa butter without added sugar, to form a dark unsweetened chocolate or bitter chocolate, often as a luxury or continental chocolates. dark chocolate have a higher percentage of cocoa, at least 75 percent with a little added sugar. In the dark unsweetened chocolate is cocoa varieties as high as 98 percent. It is these varieties that have been used in studies, and found to have heart, protection and health benefits.
Produce cocoa liquor with sugar and fat are mixed plain sweet> Chocolate used for cooking, or it can be processed with sugar, milk and produce cocoa butter, milk chocolate. These have a very high sugar content to 50 percent and only about 20 percent cocoa content. Also you can have up to 5 percent vegetable fat instead of cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is a neutral fat and not increase blood cholesterol levels. However, it can cause unwanted excess weight gain and related complications. White chocolate is just cocoaButter, sugar, flavoring, milk and contains no specific health benefits, in contrast to dark chocolate.
So the next time you indulge yourself, so you for the highest percentage of coca solids go, you give him, if the label says hydrogenated fats to miss. Remember to get about 500 calories in a 100-gram slab of dark chocolate, and you can most of the "plant secondary metabolites to receive" benefits from colorful fruits and vegetables only for a fraction.